HCL has now become a very formidable name in laptop brand. With the recent launches HCL continues its legacy of being the first movers to introduce high-end technology products in India. HCL Infosystems has launched Leaptop Z39. The laptop comes with 8GB RAM and 500 GB HDD. comes with a 14.1 inch wide screen and is powered by Intel Core 2 Duo processors based on latest Intel Centrino 2 technology and has a battery backup of about 4 hours. Compliant to the Energy Star 4.0 Category A certification, the HCL claims that Leaptop Z 39 consumes less than 1.7W of energy in sleep mode and below 1W in stand-by mode and is optimized to reduce its power consumption. Further these latest laptops have undergone rigorous tests, which certify these HCL laptops to perform under extensive heat, humidity and voltage stress conditions.
HCL launched their fully functional, ultra portable range of laptops that offer mobile internet. Aimed at the masses, MiLeap or 'My Internet Leap' has been designed exclusively for the Indian consumer. It's the price that makes MiLeap latest laptops tick. Their prices can be get from HCL laptops price list. MiLeap breaks the price barrier and makes it easy for the average man to own a laptop. MiLeap will be the future of computing.
It will herald in a new category of computing devices, opening up a wide range of new usage scenarios and application areas. With a little help from Intel, Indian hardware manufacturer launched an ultra portable range of HCL laptops with mobile Internet computing experience. The best part is that these latest laptops are very budget friendly. This can be proved by the HCL laptops price list, which will give you all the pricing details. So as we can see this Indian brand is in a mood to flex its muscle in most categories.
HCL is working on a 5-inch PC to compete with the PDA (personal digital assistant). The hardware firm had launched ultra-mobile, low-cost laptops earlier this year under the brand MiLeap. The range includes 7-inch and 10-inch laptops. The 5-inch device would be based on the Intel Atom processor, which was launched this year by the chip maker for Internet-centric devices. The advantage of such a product would be the use of the x86 core, which would ensure that it can run all the standard software and applications.
Most PDAs and portable Internet devices use the ARM core made by processor company ARM. HCL's experience with its MiLeap range will come handy when it launches the smaller screen product, which is classified as a mobile Internet device. These PCs, which offer ultra mobility and basic computing experience have got a good response in India. As of now, these laptops are being bought as second laptops and not as low-cost options for first time buyers. One they get available in market, their full information can be get from HCL laptops price list.
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