Samsung has already released its first Ivy Bridge laptop in the form of the Series 7 Gamer, but now that Intel has officially launched its less powerful and ultra low-voltage processors, the company has decided it's time to refresh its lineup. First up is a wholly new model, an entertainment-focused laptop called the Series 5 Boost. These are touted as the best laptops in India. It'll come in either 15- or 17-inch screen configurations, both of which have a 300-nit, 1600 x 900 panel.
The system will come with either a Core i5 or Core i7 Ivy Bridge processor and it'll be relying on Intel's improved integrated graphics when in battery-saving mode, thanks to a switchable Nvidia graphics card. It'll have a 1TB hard drive. Other than the all-new model, Samsung has gone through and given its Series 9, Series 5, and Series 3 laptops mild refreshes with Intel's latest Ivy Bridge processors. A while ago Samsung was going to give its super-slim Series 9 laptops the new processors, and now the new model has arrived. The 13.3-inch system and its 15-inch. Both these Samsung laptops are powered by Intel's 1.7GHz, ultra low-voltage Core i5-3317U processor, and have been upgraded to support Bluetooth 4.0. On the hardware end very little has changed and they have the same 1600 x 900 displays in the same beautiful, sleek body. All the relevant information can be get from the Samsung laptops price list.
The 13.3-inch and 14-inch Series 5 have also been upgraded to the same Core i5-3317U CPU as the Series 9. Samsung has added Bluetooth 4.0 and a USB 3.0 port. If you prefer AMD's processors over Intel's, you'll be glad to hear that Samsung has introduced a new version of the Series 5 that uses AMD's new Quad-Core A6-4455M Trinity APU. Samsung has given its low-end Series 3 laptops a significant processing boost, as they now all use dual-core processors instead of weaker Pentium units. Just like the rest of the lineup, Samsung has added Bluetooth 4.0 support to these models.
Samsung has unveiled the latest member of its Series 5, the 550P which falls in the line of best laptops in India. It is available with either a 15 or 17-inch display. With a display of this magnitude, Samsung is billing the Series 5 550P as a multimedia demon, and reading the features list it has got the specs to back it up. Powering the device is Intel’s latest third-generation quad-core Ivy Bridge Core i7 processor, while there is a built-in Blu-ray drive and JBL optimised sub-woofer speakers on the top-rung 17-inch model. Gamers can take heart in knowing that the notebook has been equipped with an Nvidia GeForce GT 650M 2GB graphics card, while Samsung claims the processor will make 3D gaming twice as fast as the second generation CPU. Each of these Samsung laptops run on the Windows 7 Home Premium operating system. Their latest price can be fetched from Samsung laptops price list.
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